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GoodwillSONT'S "Maximum Independence Scholarship" Program

Higher education can be extremely expensive. Be it a four-year college or a vocational-technical school, education is not cheap.  Many aspire to further their education, but are unable to do so because of the cost.

Recognizing this need for financial assistance amongst high school seniors in our territory, GoodwillSONT created our “Maximum Independence Scholarship” in 2014, and awarded our first round of scholarships in Spring 2015. Since then, we have awarded over $60,000 in scholarships to local high school seniors. Our scholarships are awarded at our GoodwillSONT Annual Banquet, held each spring in Lawton, Oklahoma. Students use their scholarship towards their tuition and class fees for their first semester of college. It is an honor and a privilege to help such fine, outstanding young men and women in our community.

If you are interested in learning more about our annual scholarship, please click this link for the application – within the application, you will find the criteria needed to be met in order to apply. You can also give us a call at 580-355-2163 extension 3011.