Goodwill Industries offers career development services to help people gain and maintain employment at their highest level of ability. Participants receive a paycheck, vocational skills, on-going training and support from Employment Training Specialists (ETS) all in preparation for competitive employment.
In an effort to develop the vocational skills needed for competitive employment Goodwill provides the following:
The very heart of Goodwill’s mission is to help each individual learn skills to help them find a job to ensure their continued success.
Participants must be sponsored by DDSD Waiver or State Funded Services.
Goodwill Industries is constantly looking for new job opportunities for our participants. If you own a business and want to enlist the services of Workforce Development, call or come by for further details.
**Lawton Area Transit System (LATS) provides “curb to curb” service for those needing transportation. Applications available on site.
1205 Summit Ave
Lawton, Oklahoma 73501
Contact: Kim Sammons
Phone: 580-280-4927
Fax: 580-355-3096
Helping people with disabilities
and disadvantages achieve
maximum independence.
© 2023 | Goodwill Industries of Southwest Oklahoma & North Texas
Web Design & Hosting: SimpleWebs13